
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2022

Week 7: STAR

         LISTEN TO THE WILD PROGRAM HERE!           https://anchor.fm/wildcats2022umu/episodes/The-wild-programme-e1g6n1a   REGARDING THE USE OF “THE HOUR OF CODE”… What level would be appropriate for this? Our games were established to fit students from grade 2 to grade 5. Since it is about being in contact with technology, which is a difficult area if you are new to it, I consider the right age to play these games is 9+ years old.  What is the objective of this task following the bloom taxonomy? Bloom's taxonomy has several characteristics that are very useful when you want to complete a learning process from the beginning, so we can say that these technological games follow it perfectly. The last step of this taxonomy is about creating something, in this case, the objective we want to achieve is that the students manage to create their own game. Besides, they are able to analyze and evaluate the mistakes they have made by pr...


  Some pictures of our games                                                                                                                           And this is a little video of compilation😀 Our experience! Leaving this aside, I have left a message in the Tinkiwinkis' podcast because we interviewed their Star, Carmen, for our program and we loved her intervention! Tinkicast - Podcast en iVoox And I also left a comment here  Coding in the Classroom: What Does it Look Like? – Decoding Literacy (wordpress.com)  because they had a very interesting post about coding in the classroom!


  This week we have to explore tasks with digitals computational thinkomg and coding.  On friday 18th , we started the task. Firstly,we read the instructions and started usong the app “The hour of code”. We investigate through the differents games and played.  Secondly, our group chose the three games that we considered and we did the speech for the podcast. On Wednesday we recorded it.  The best part of this activity was recording the podcast, we had really fun    and laugh a lot. The worse part i think it was when we were playing the games because some of them were difficult to understand. But by doing this, we have learnt that it is too important to make our children develop their thinking and this activities. On this week , we haven’t had problems, we have worked very well and have been really well organized. Further more, the mayority of us haven’t done a podcast before, so we have learn about new recources to recorder it . ELENA GARCÍA ABADÍA 


 The aim of this task is to develop our experience through coding, by making a podcast.  This task is an activity that allowed us to get into computational thinking and learn new learning strategies and think of new things that we can use when we finish our degree.  Furthermore, we have learned how this is used.  On the other hand, coding don’t liked us as much as it would be, but apart from this, we know all the advantages it has to develop problem-solving skills coding. 


  Miriam García Sánchez-Cosgalla  


  This week we have worked doing a game dedicated to the 3rd grade of primary. It has been a really good week, and we have had fun created the game. But, has everything been good? Although we have spent a good time, this week has been a bit stressful because this task needed hard work and we had to spent many hours.

Week 6: STAR

  6th Task: Game-Based Networked Learning This weekly task consisted in designing a game that should be the focus in one of these Assessment Criteria from the Spanish curriculum. So, in our case, we choose  one of the 3rd cycle competences, establishing simple connections between different elements of the natural, social and cultural environment showing understanding of the relationships that are established. Hereinafter I'm going to attach the instructions of our game, including some photos of the materials and the templates of the big cards or individual boards. this are the tokens used to cover up the squares of the boards... the instructions... and these are the differents boards to play... these are all the cards to play... the "coins" used to bet the prices in every round the tokens ... and these are the places where you have to put the coins to win the different prices. María Zamora Iniesta



Week 5: STAR

This week, we have created a method of assessment for nine tools we have been using in the Resources and ICT course. These tools were selected by each team, following three categories: forced to use, discovered, and used before and incorporated to our couse.  So, in our case, we choose the following ones: Aula Virtual, Blogger, and Instagram; Google Keep, Blabberize, and Prezi; Canva, Google docs, and Picsart . Once we had selected the tools, we had to evaluate them following a special rubric. For example, this is the one for Aula Virtual. As you can see, the rubric is divided into 8 different categories, divided as well into criteria and indicators. The next step was to organise all 8 categories into 3, and this is the division we made: - Privacy - Functionality, accessibility, technical, mobile design - Social presence, teaching presence, cognitive presence Finally, with the classification already done, we started creating our method. The maximum mark a tool could have was 6 star...






The aim of this task is to evaluate the different technological applications we have used in this subject by means of a questionnaire and a rubric. -Technological ecosystem: set of applications that we have used during the course in this subject. -Forced: refers to the applications that we have used in a compulsory way, that is to say, imposed by the teacher, such as, for example, the virtual classroom. -Discovered: refers to the set of applications that we have discovered in this course, as we did not know them before. -Previously discovered: with this term we refer to the applications that we knew before starting this subject. -Rubric: A rubric is the object with which we have been able to evaluate the different applications. On the one hand, this task has been quite effective because thanks to it, we can have a clear overview of all the applications we have used in the ICT subject. Moreover, we can question which ones have been better or worse in order to use them in the next co...